Where have i been? the answer is Yes. im still alive, caught rona 3 times never been better.
as a OKAY not pro developer i can create what i want.
and if you're wondering. Yes i have deleted my rants.
i use typescript. i will not go back to js.
(i still use C++ because i am a mad cheater in android games this is gonna probably come to a halt soon i haven't been on my mobile a while)
all i literally had to do was sit at a computer for hours. stick to one language and just build projects on my own i stopped coding on mobile after one of my unstable projects had got access to my devices files. oh and last but not least tampermonkey sucks and my favorite game moo moo.io and sploop.io is full of macroers, cheaters and now nobody wants to play legitly in the game. i forgot this website and decided to take things slowly. time goes fast when your mind really be dazed.

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