"So what do you do?"
"I am a web developer"
"Oh, so can you make me a website"
"Sure, what do you need"
"Well, I think its going to be the next big thing"
(I already know I shouldn't have answered him)
".... Ok, what's it about"
"Its Facebook/Instagram/Whatsapp/Telegram/Slack/Twitter, but better"

If I had a penny for every time I had to listen to this crap just because I told them I was a developer, I won't have a need to continue being one.

  • 3
    Actually you should not answer them "sure what do you need".
    If you don't want to code for them, just tell then that. I usually say that I don't code by request.
  • 15
    @plusgut I always want to listen to ideas, because they may have potential. What boils my blood is that a lot of people think they can create the next <insert big company> without having something unique or better to offer.
  • 6
    @harambae welcome to our society, we got raised by our parents that we are so special. So naturally everyone thinks they will do greatness.
  • 1
  • 10
    the average awards.
    Don't tell them you are a dev. tell them your are a abstract idea implementor who works in free software.
  • 4
    I always include my hourly wage after the "sure, what do you need" part. Most of them drops the subject.
  • 2
    Ask them if they've seen Silicon Valley. If they answer yes, tell them there's a 95% chance that their idea will not turn out the way theirs did.
  • 3
    It's always "but better..." Then they fail to explain how it would be better and actually make it worse
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