An Android app to query user details using the GitHub api and display them in charts which can be shared on social media.

Project Type
Existing open source project

An Android app to query user details using the GitHub api and display them in charts which can be shared on social media.

I have a project setup using: Retrofit for connecting with the GitHub api. Basic informations have been fetched and displayed on the app. I wanted the app to be something like github-profile-summary which is on GitHub written in kotlin. So what do you think, fun little project??
Tech Stack
Java, Android
Current Team Size
  • 0
    1. A lot of them are currently available in GitHub, and it soooooooo easy to make those, unless the api spits out 503 error.
    I made mine recently that shows the amount of followers I have. #bragmylife
    2. Set the project type to Project idea
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    @CozyPlanes I have exactly what you have made. It's not just ideas, I mean I have a GitHub repository for the project.
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    @pfieffer If you want to collaborate, post here with the GitHub url. If it is just your project advertising, delete from here
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    @CozyPlanes I wanted to collaborate but I also wanted to see how people react to this idea. What you, a devrant cop or something?? Haha
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    @pfieffer I mean if it is "Existing open source project", tell us the project url!
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