Dexter: Control your .dex demons

Project Type
Existing open source project

Dexter: Control your .dex demons

Greetings Android Devs, I have been going through a gamut of issues faced by almost every developer in the community revolving around the "64k limit" or "multidexing" (the sobriquet). Many have fought this battle, many ran. Google did provide us with some solutions (it's support library) (some gradle controls) but none of the solutions can be trusted every time you build your app. If your scale is serious (millions of DAUs) you will bump into this sooner or later. Me and my friend Amanjeet at Bobble Keyboard have forged a sword(library) for your multidexing demons. Dexter: Control the Dex with ease and style. link : https://github.com/BobbleKeyboard/Dexter With a simple annotation you can control the method indexing process and it doesn't end here, you can validate your indexing via a simple plugin too. We are looking forward to ease your life, have some feature requests and some stars. Please try it out and let us know, what upgrades you would prefer 🙂
Tech Stack
java, gradle, kotlin, android, dx, multidex
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