
Not really a project idea per se, more of a very robust plugin idea or IDE feature (Jetbrains preferably), for suggesting better variable names while writing code.

Project Type
Project idea

Not really a project idea per se, more of a very robust plugin idea or IDE feature (Jetbrains preferably), for suggesting better variable names while writing code.

There should be a feature for IDEs to suggest better variable names for writing code. Instead of annoying syntax highlighting assumed typos by the IDE, it should use some sort of specialized NLP with AI for formal languages to determine context based on project name, function names, ext. to generate concise, sensible, alternative suggestions for variables and naming conventions. In the form of valid acronyms, shortened phrases, synonyms and words that also conform to the coding language's standards (camelCase, snake_case, ect.) Because frankly most of us suck at naming things.
Tech Stack
whatever jetbrains uses, with some formal language NLP and AI
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