Flarum | Open Source Forum

Project Type
Existing open source project

Flarum | Open Source Forum

Remember the good old days of forums instead of Facebook groups? Ever thought of starting your own again but didn't want it to look like it's from the early 2000's? Meet Flarum, the open source, modern, free and highly extensible forum framework. We're currently looking for any kind of contributor, be that in extensions (paid or free), core contributions, docs, language translations, etc. Consistent and good contributions can result in a chance to become a trainee to join our team in a more permanent fashion.
Tech Stack
PHP, Mithril JS, MySQL, Laravel Components, JSON:API
Current Team Size
About 5 devs
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    This stack is telling me it's more about being able to run such forum on shared hosting. Plus availability derived from the most popular framework.

    Since we already have only so much forum engines, I hope it will look a lot different than Discourse (overall, it's decent). Power it with integrations like Markdown renderer, PlantUML (oh wait, it's Java)...
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    @vintprox we have markdown rendering, bbcode as well, plantUML is something an extension dev could easily add.

    In regards to design Discourse openly admits that they have "borrowed" bits and pieces or Flarum over time (such as the scroll items list on the right side of a discussion)
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    @tankerkiller125 Just found it: https://meta.discourse.org/t/...

    Cool to know people are more supportive towards it :)

    Anyway, if I'd do something, it's probably invite some PHP learner to contibute in Flarum, because personally I've grown weary of shared hosting solutions' rigid nature.

    If you need Russian localization's analysis, @ me.
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    @vintprox We use composer, so actually not that shared hosting friendly in many cases. And we generally recommend VPS hosting to people who ask.

    In regards to translations you can take a look at https://github.com/flarum-lang for information on contributing to that. Also our docs could always use translations.
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    Just started my experiments with loopback4, wanna let me have a go at your api?
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