Use MQTT protocol as a chat protocol and create a Flutter client

Project Type
Existing open source project

Use MQTT protocol as a chat protocol and create a Flutter client

Hello everyone, A few months ago I published my flutter project repository that enables using MQTT Protocol as a high-quality chat protocol, the POC is working like a charm and I made a sample app for that. Today I am happy to tell you that I published the first version on pub.dev so everyone can use it (The broker should implement the hivemq-chat-extension requirement). You can take a look! Any comment, recommendation, or even a contribution is very welcome. The package on pub.dev: [flutter-mqchat] https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_mqchat Thanks
Tech Stack
Flutter, hivemq, MQTT, java
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  • 0
    Cool project but sending a video over mqtt is a bit of an overkill isn’t it?
  • 0
    Hmm I was actually thinking of zigbee network since my exposure to mqtt is only through there. I guess mqtt should handle that just fine.
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