Interest matching system...

Just like slack but openly recommending a group to people who have similar thought

Aka, Grouping people by similar thought

Project Type
Project idea

Interest matching system...<br /> <br /> Just like slack but openly recommending a group to people who have similar thought<br /> <br /> Aka, Grouping people by similar thought

I wonder why in this generation most of us feel lonely. So, let's solve it. Counter to most social app, this cares about how to bond real relationship. It starts with common interest. To do that, tere are 2 important elements(conceptually not real DS): Belief pairs: <agree/disagree, statement> Interest pairs: <love/hate, subject> Matching similar people, we can create a group. You then set the beliefs of that group: (1, "PHP is great"), (0, "we drink tea not coffee"), (1, "JavaScript sucks") And interest pair (1, PHP), (1, programming), (0, Javascript) Same for user profile, user creates these 2 elements about themselves. With fb login, you can search existing friend with similar interests and beliefs But the even more exciting part is making new friend and join new group deeply based on interest So , when you find a new group, it goes through 3 steps." 1) the server recommend group based on your interest pairs and belief pairs similarity 2) the search result for group also list out the group belief, so you know if you fit those group 3) Then, you can subscribe or be a member of the group. In groups, it behaves like Flock (or like Slack) Other features:  1. Nobody has see each other's profile picture unless they are in a same group ( or already Fb friends) 2. There is a page for group recommendations: But by default only showing what you are interested based on your interest pair. Every subject matching your "dislike pair" are filtered out 3. There is a page for subscribed group: Showing post from the group that you subscribed. ____________ Who is this app suitable for? 1) if you agree a good social app should purely aim for bonding people together with common interest but not posting things. We do. So, you will have a peaceful social life. With only a few solid companions sharing missions alike, they can be happy ever after. 2) If you think fb and Instagram is now a hell for hundreds of "irrelevant friends" showing off to each others that we don't like and annoying, and make us even more lonely. 3) if you has rare interest and wonder if there are a few people out there that just think like them.  The styles of clan could vary a lot: From garage clan like Dedsec in WD2 To A team of people who gather and only listens to the songs of NCS in your city Etc. 4) if you consider making more friends but not on places like tinder because you want real friends not dating; or, if you hate being judged based on status or appearance instead of thought. So, with this app, people can forge friendship with a small clan of only several people, who shares same hobbies and missions in life happily ever after 5) if you use a messenger like whatsapp, however it is very tedious and embarrassing to ask each of my whatsapp friend "do you like xxx?". So that, you want a better app to help you find common interest .I Forample, I ask my schoolmate, "Hey, does anyone use DevRant? :)" Nobody responds. So, I have no friends. 6) Find locally: the system prioritize those from your city, so you can know new people that you can even hangout with) 7) if you find Meetup group creation process is too formal, complex, centering towards big organizer or business use. So, we focus more on individual, personality, warmth, flexibility, small group, self expression. So, the groups" interest would be more fine grained, customized and personalized. _________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/xDMB5WD Come join us and chat if you like xD
Tech Stack
React Native, mongoDB
Current Team Size
  • 4
    Sounds like a good idea! I would be quite interested in helping out 🙂 I will be unavailable for about a month though
  • 3
    Nice idea but I've thing I guess and basically what's happening on Facebook and politics is that the Algorithms recommend what we like so we fall into "groups" and these groups end up causing some it's us to believe fake news.... and Trump....
  • 0
    Sounds very interesting! Also as for number 8, not everyone uses WhatsApp, great idea!
  • 0
    @NyxMC Yes, back end is nodejs.

    I wish I could choose a language based on solid technical judgement. However, I just learnt web dev for less than a year myself. Therefore, I go ahead with anything popular and newbie friendly. :/

    Just like a layman investor who doesn't really analyze which investment is better would just follows a trendy advice from the medium :/
  • 0
    I got stuck at a TransformError that needs someone to help :/ https://github.com/psfr937/...
    I gonna give away $50 bucks if anyone can solve the issue :)

    Also I added a Disord group https://discord.gg/xDMB5WD

    Join us if you want to chat :)
  • 3
    In a previous job I worked quite alot on content recommendation and I think I can see one pitfall you're about to fall into. When creating groups in free text you have to consider the context of the words used.

    In your example you have php & php is great. The actual useful context for the group here is php but they are contextually different instead can I suggest that you consider using a more controlled vocabulary?

    You can easily gather what people are searching for and categorize them. When a search has no results you can send it to another service for further grouping.

  • 1
    @daarkfall For tag, I can learn from existing example like quora how they control subject tag and adding new tag

    For sentences, I dont want just to use word occurance becoz we place high standard on cencerning weird cases:

    1)"Veela tells her enemy not need to know who she is. She is just another fool in front of the door."

    2)"We are just here to complete our mission. We stay low but you will know who gonna win."

    Have very similar meaning to u without a matched word. And, content / collaborative based filtering based on only word occurance also works inaccurate. Deep learning? Impractical till today

    freetext sentence is hard unless user directly describe complex thing as a form of decomposed words

    From example 1) :
    - Favorite: {Veela: {Gender: Lady}}
    - Secondary: Anyone
    - Except: Bad guy
    Prota... attitude:
    - Favorite: witty
    Prota... emotion:
    - Favorite: calm, smile
    Prota... activity:
    - Favorite: fighting enemy
    - Seconday: saving world

    And so on...
  • 0
    Idea is impressive. I have some react ,redux skills . Consider me a beginner. can i contribute?
  • 0
    i would love helping you with the web app :) post some more details about structure and what to be programmed, publish on github and let's see how i can contribute :)
  • 1
    What if this grouped into an already existing system such as discord? Bots and stuff would also be useful to the project but I think like using a powerful chat system like discord combined with this would be pretty cool, rather than finding a subreddit and seeing if they have a discord channel or not something like this would be much nicer
  • 0
  • 0
    @Flarp lol. We've all been there. I once misspelled the download url in prod ;)
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