you know whats wild? they're talking of AI taking of the world

and meanwhile we still need to fill out and send copies of pdfs everywhere to get things done


  • 2
    AI took over the world back in the 80's.
    It was called "the age of M&A", when humans bacame subjects of Excel Spreadshit the Invincible.
    HRH is a sadistic AI.
  • 6
    Pdfs? What kind of future are you livin in that it does not require stamped paper?
  • 0
    @qwwerty omg how could i forget, almost left those to the wayside
  • 2
    POV: You are a horse breeder reading about a new invention called the automobile in a news paper that had been used to wrap fresh fish.
  • 0
    AI having access to automation environments could be dangerous..
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