Working on a new tool idea. It's a long & boring process of checking domain availability for multiple name ideas. That's what I'm trying to solve in here ⚡Are you excited?

  • 2
    Is spam?
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    Trying to cover as much TLDs as possible? Now if it isn't fallacy. I mean, why not just use a memorable, authentic ONE?
  • 1
    Already exists
  • 4
    You collect the domains people want and buy them cheap so they have to pay you more than you paid to get them. Nice business.
  • 1
    If you own many many TLDs people are more likely to trust one you forgot about.
  • 1
    @spongessuck That's not what I'm trying to do right now. I have faced this problem many times while buying domains for my businesses. I don't want to go into the domain trading business. Rather, I would like to charge subscriptions to domain traders for using this tool for bulk domain checking.

    I may put my affiliate links on the available checks or connect to GoDaddy for domain broking for unavailable domains.

    The code would be almost open, you can see. I will just charge for running it.
  • 1
    I think my idea will make you more money.
  • 0
    @spongessuck surely, if people are going to use it, different monetization opportunities will be opened.
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