I'd be lying to y'all if I said that a major part of me doesn't want to see the downfall of these "too big to fail" companies (Google/Apple/Microsoft).

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    I get it, the downfall of IBM and Kodak and Blackberry one point seemed like the end of days.
    But those didn't just fall into the vacuum - new companies appeared and chewed up the established overlords.

    Someday something new, that looks like a joke at first, will topple the big guys.
    I don't know what it is. But I know it will be something very weird.
    Like, imagine, for the sake of the argument, that Open.AI managed to replace Amazon because their chatbot can offer a better and cheaper shopping experience. Unthinkable, of course, but that is exactly the point.
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    What's to say you're not already seeing it?
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    @AlmondSauce ayy youre back! How you doing, my man?
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy Still a cantankerous old grumpy git as ever, don't you worry ;)
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