
The latest discovery in my learnings, this symbol " # " is actually called an Octothorpe.

  • 2
    How do you pronounce it?
  • 2
    p o u n d 👊
  • 2
    *also called an octothorpe
  • 2
    No that's hashtag 😒
    Or sharp (as a C#) 😛
  • 1
    So "Octo Thor P"?
  • 11
    @gitpush My teacher kills me everytime I say hashtag. My teacher:"It's not a stupid facebook tag it's a HASH that's it. It always was and always will be a hash! JUST hash!"
  • 5
    @Andi hahaha he has a point whenever I hear hashtag I think of stupid social media posts lol
  • 1
    I actually learnt this last night when I was learning about stying an ID'ed element in HTML using CSS. Somehow I deviated and I ended up finding the origin of this symbol
  • 3
    in Indonesia we call it "pagar" pronounce as "phaghar" and actually in english means "fence" because this -> # shaped like fence 😅 #######
  • 0
    @dprimax that’s deep 🤔😎

    I’ll keep calling it hash...
    Or if I wanna sound intelligent, octothorpe 😂😂😎😎
  • 1
    In INTERCAL, it's called "mesh".
  • 2
    In German we call it "Rautesymbol" (Rhombus) or "Doppelkreuz" (Double-Cross) this can get quit confusing if you have a old PC where there is a rhombus and octothorp on the numpad it is used for getting the subtotal.
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    @calmyourtities The pound name comes from the symbol being used to denote a measure was in pounds. 30#, 30lbs., and 30 pounds are all equal in meaning.
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    @rjedlin also I will # you
  • 2
    Yeah I know this from the Coctothorpe and Foctothorpe languages, from octotags on Twitter, and md5-octothorping. When I was younger I also baked a lot of octothorpebrownies.
  • 1
    Calling # by itself never made sense to me. A hash tag is a hash and a tag. #tag.

    In other news, found out that \ is called a 'reverse solidus'.
  • 1
    I'm going to be pedantic now and correct everyone when the say # is a hash tag. Yes I'm a loser. Thanks for this
  • 1
    @bittersweet you are quickly becoming my favourite ...... hahahahaha :-D ..... that sh*t is funny man...
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