
Some guy just called it "Jithub"

Never heard of that before

  • 17
    It's basic java you know...
  • 5
  • 4
    What a jnoob!
  • 18
    For sure it's one of the same guys that say "jif" instead of "gif" ...
  • 4
    That's the same as some Germans say "Kina" for the German name of China. They pronounce a "Ch" like a "k". That really gets me off 😂😅
  • 2
    A new era has started. 😂
  • 8
    I just put my yavascript code on jithub
  • 2
  • 6
    @DataSec It is at least better than calling it "Schina"... 😅
  • 5
    @nin0x03 I say "jif" instead of "gif". I say "git" instead of "jit". #rebel
  • 2
    @Benedikt Oooh indeed, I forgot about those 😂
  • 2
    Jif, not Gif
    GitHub, not JitHub
  • 1
    Git-hub like when you call somebody a damn git.
  • 4
    I feel like I'm summoned.
  • 2
    Github gives gifted giggling girls gimmicky giraffe gifs.
  • 2
    @nin0x03 The creators of the GIF format pronounced it as "jif"
  • 3
    Jiraf- oh
  • 3
    One of them right here! That's because in Italian we pronounce it "jit" unless is written "ghit".
  • 6
    What else should it be called ? U can 'Joogle' it if u like 😂 /s
  • 0
    @Lahsen2016 gift, gimble, gimp, gigahertz, gigayte, gibberish, gigacycle (basically anything giga), girl, giggle, give.

    Thats about all I got...
  • 0
    @RTRMS the way Giga is pronounced depends on wether someone uses UK English(in which it is giga, I think) or US English(I think in this one it's jiga, could actually be reversed), so yeah
  • 2
    @RealKC Those of us who speak english use a hard G, as the language dicatates, the 10% of the idiots who speak American may pronounce it as J, but then again they already can't spell to begin with.

    That is the only thing I truely hate about being a developer, being forced to spell incorrectly.
  • 1
    Theory: he was Swedish. They use a lot of soft G's
  • 0
    There are people that for some reason say j instead of g for some words. I've heard jigabyte and even jeegabyte.
    Probably where they came from and where they learned English.
  • 0
    Jitout 😑
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