I sometimes feel like humans are the stupid ones though ^^

  • 2
    @busuu Einstein lived 1879 - 1955. First concepts of computers were in early 19th century and one of the first real useable pieces was developed in the US in 1938. Guess how quickly the computer spread and exponentially got faster and better.

    Like most "Einstein Quotes" this isn't stated though. So you're right. He probably never said it. Nor did he say "as simple as possible, but not simpler" but I think the message is clear, right? :D
  • 4
    @BambuSource if you actually try to find the quote you won't find any credible source. Yes computer existed around when he died, but it is unlikely that he was able to understand them. It is a complete diffrent field and why would a smart man as albert einstein make a statement about something he does not understand.
  • 5
    Seems like Leo Cherne said that but it's often misquoted for Einstein. Once again, I learned that...
  • 7
    @BambuSource and don't forget that...
  • 3
    @0x412E2047696C what about Morgan Freeman
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