
Should I include that I am still working in my current Company in my resume while applying for a new job?

Hello, I am currently applying for jobs to other Companies, because I am starting to feel uncomfortable with my current job, and I was wondering whether it is important to indicate my current job and role, stating that I still work there, or whether I should completely take it out or indicate that I stopped working in the Company.

What do you suggest from experience?

  • 4
    I don’t think recruiters really care. In fact they probably perceive it as something positive as it shows you’re still "active and sharp" rather than being jobless. It also shows you haven’t been disqualified by being laid off.
    What recruiters like to hear is that you’re seeking to leave your job because you feel like you’re not growing there anymore, and joining their company would give you that opportunity to keep growing/improving yourself as a developer
  • 3
    Oh totallii. Not having a job is the thing raising eyebrows
  • 1
  • 1
    @retoor 😂😂😂, okay
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