
Fucking Amazon locked my account for "suspicious" activity, just before I would have cancelled the Prime trial I subscribed to last week. I knew I shouldn't have touched this garbage, and here I am, unable to log in, or contact any kind of chat-based support.
At least I blocked Amazon from using my card again, but my movie night is ruined.

  • 1
    It looks like they won't charge. YMMV though.


    What is wild is I access my account from multiple people from multiple locations. Never had an issue.
  • 4
    Update: after talking for 22 minutes with the german support number I found digging everywhere, I could recover my account and cancel my prime video subscription. Now I can go to bed and sleep without worrying.
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    @Demolishun I haven't used this account in a while, then I binge-watched a half-released season from a series last weekend. Today somehow it got screwed up.
    I've also been stupid enough to not have 2FA enabled on this account. So it could have been my error as well, but still, it's wild how hard can be a cancellation sometimes.
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    I've learnt my lesson. I will only sign up for a trial if I would sign up for the product anyway.
  • 2
    @electrineer I've also learnt my lesson. I will cancel all trials right away, as most (if not all) trials stop at the end of the trial period.
  • 1
    @Lasoloz easy to join but hard to leave. They want more Cashflow. Like every company today. This will probelly continue the next 10 years as Boomer retire and take the whole economy down with it.
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