Why does Visual Studio suddenly require Windows Subsystem for Linux in order to run a console app targeting Windows?



  • 7
    ms slowly migrating to linux. Windows 13 is based on linux
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    @d00td00t Microsoft Linux

    Distro codename: Winux
  • 0
    Windows is just a skin for GNU/Linux
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    @dontbeevil I’m sorry for you, too.
    You should do that more often instead of trying to defend MS on every occasion.
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    @dontbeevil read again what I wrote. Pointing out objectively wrong claims is what you should be doing more, as you did here.
    Well done.
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    @dontbeevil so far all you did was crying about MS being blamed, without any good arguments for why you think that the blame isn’t deserved.

    Your arguments have been "Apple/Linux does the same" and "nobody complains about Apple/Linux, this ain’t fair!".
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    Bloat and pandering to dimwits.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil @Lensflare

    I tagged both of you because:
    a- you're both involved parties.
    b- there isn't an option to tag all of devRant

    *if i remembered verbatim how to spell *new_ostream* i wouldve included him... same for sid and a few others who really should read/use that instead of invalid ad hominem attacks.

    Seriously, if you sink to ad hominen level you might as well start with the kindergarten insults... like calling people 'poo poo heads', or whatever... at least that's more entertaining. Sid almost gets points for that... if he wasnt so redundant and lackint creativity.
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    @dontbeevil that's not childish, its just baseless prodding around for suckers. It's akin to a guy looking a group of girls then 'whispering' loudly to his friend "she's ugly" or going into an office and yelling "hey, dumbass!" (Or several other iterations)... you dont actually need to have a target, much less any semblance of validity... the most insecure girl or guy who thinks (and if often already referred to as such from some less than brilliant feat, never attempting to ditch the title) will identify themselves.

    Seriously, try it. A good gender agnostic(and easy to deny any malicious intent) one is just acting like you smell something, then pretending to check if its you by sniffing your armpits next time youre in a group of people. Just from a nonverbal suggestion like that youll likely get people doing the same... their expression should fill any gaps of 'how insecure are they, really?'
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