
I don’t know why it annoys me so much but writing the date the wrong way is fucking ridiculous America! It’s Day fucking month fucking Year imbeciles!

  • 7
    Lol, y-m-d only! How else are you gonna sort em?
  • 1
    @HCC5GDKc7 Even that has an order
  • 4
    ISO 8601 ftw
  • 0
    the existence of both dd/mm/yyyy and mm/dd/yyyy means that nn/nn/nnnn is ambiguous so neither variant should be used. Anyway, the ISO exists to solve these problems.
  • 3
    @lorentz I've seen both dd.mm.yyyy and mm.dd.yyyy too. Pisses me off especially when it's an expiration date on food packaging
  • 1
    @localpost the only valid order is yyyy-mm-dd, not because it makes sense but because yyyy-dd-mm is uncommon enough that it's effectively unambiguous.
  • 0
    I had a middle school teacher who insisted that the best date format is
    month yy, dd. C
    where C is century in roman numerals.
  • 1
    it's year-fucking-month-fucking-day, you unsortable prick.
  • 0
    @tosensei I am talking about every day life not date formats in relation to code you cunt.
  • 0
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