
Why use Vue.js, Angular or React when you have jQuery???

No, seriously I just finished 4 Javascript Projects without any front-end framework.

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    Wait is jQuery counted as a framework?
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    HTML is the real deal here fellas
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    @Skayo jQuery is a framework, yes.
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    Oh okay...
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    try and you'll know
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    jQuery is completely different. It's also almost completely unnecessary with html5. And it's horrible for readability
  • 6
    I would say that jQuery is a library not a framework

    Library: your code calls into external code
    Framework: external code call into your code
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    Sure you can. But you can write less codes with a framework. Less is always good.

    It is pretty clear if you check the todomvc website. They have jQuery example. Compared it with others.
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    Jquery is considered a framework by some, I see it as a library. But yeah, if you wanted it to be a pure solution might as well have used vanilla JS. I know what you mean tho, Jquery is still a very viable solution and I use it with no apologies. Sure, frontend frameworks are nice, but for a lot of projects completely and utterly unnecessary.
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    @AleCx04 I prefer something in the middle for smaller projects, like knockout. Still produces much cleaner code and better features then jQuery. jQuery can be a pain to update the page dynamically.
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    @Wozza365 I have never looked at it :) will look it up right now, thanks for the pointer!
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    Jquery is amazing...but sometimes manual Dom management can be an absolute pain. IMHO I like to leave diffing and optimization to frameworks like react! Plus React makes OOP and reusable modules so much nicer :)
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