
I'm not perfect. I've made fuckups. But most of the fuck ups I've made have been in unimportant code that wasn't used by anyone (part of the reason I'm not super happy with my job but whatever). But I've just found a fuckup that was in code that did matter...

  • 4
    Try dropping a production database lol.
  • 5
    Means u matter mate
  • 4
    time to unfuck
  • 5
    > "I've just found a fuckup that was in code that did matter.."

    And you didn't post the code? Not even a picture? Sad.
  • 4
    We've all been there. The hard drive that the ticketing system I'm assigned to maintain crashed. It had a physical failure. The backups are on the same drive. It was the worst and best day of my life.
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