Wow, angular is still a pile of shit in 2024, nothing changed.

I renew my https://devrant.com/rants/7582990 previous rant

I've recently switched to angular 17, not because I'm a masochist, but because, unfortunately, we have a huge portal for a super huge multinational enterprise and it's made in angular.
It's 2 years worth of work, and they've suddenly decided it's cool to switch to angular 17, because standards, because it's new etc.

Now that this crap angular 17 came out I prepared my hair pulling room, where there are whips and self torture instruments, and I've typed into browser url they "super new super modern super efficient" angular.dev, which apparently is their new official super 1337 documentation site (spoiler, it's shit as the other if not worse).

Since they realized angular was pigshit, they decided to eviscerate it like a sacrifical lamb in ancient maya age and add lot of stuff that makes it modern and more friendly.

They think they made the big bang of news, but they implemented stuff that exist since 10 years after people were cutting their wrists in their github "request a feature" section for years.

Well, to make it brief, they made a whole clunky obscure way to bootstrap it and didn't even had the decency and modesty to properly document it (they never learn, sigh....)

In any case I put up a .NET minimal API that works well, and a small angular app with a Hello world page that fetches a "hello word" string from a test api route.

The api works everywhere, browser, postman etc etc.

But ta-dahhhh, in angular throws error.

They put various way of using http client. Main 2 are withFetch() and without.

withFetch() says "as error "Invalid self signed certificate" and withoutFetch "Unknown error".

Apparently we have to do shenanigans also to do some dev development

  • 0
    Invalid self-signed certificate sounds more like your SSL certificate isn’t properly setup.

    Does curl or fetch directly in browser console bail with the same?
  • 1
    As suggested, try using curl or fetch directly in the browser console to see if you encounter the same error. This can help determine if the issue is specific to certain clients or protocols.
  • 0
    The --insecure option tells curl to accept any certificate, including self-signed certificates, without validating their authenticity. This will allow you to see if the server responds without throwing SSL certificate errors.
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