
If you have a 13900k and you have random BSODs and application crashes, use XTU and turn down your P-Cores in Performance Per Core Turning to 54x. There is some kind of bug in the turbo boost and going past the 5.4GHZ mark just doesn't work.

I've basically built this computer twice now. I replaced the motherboard because I destroyed it, replaced the RAM because I thought I had the wrong type, and now the processor which was the actual root of all my problems.

  • 4
    what the fuck do you need that much processing power, for?

    Are you creating Universe 2.0?
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy NP hard goes harder
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy I tend to only build a new computer every several years, so I like to build with longevity in mind.
  • 0
    I bit the bullet and replaced the CPU.

    The difference in how my machine feels is night and day. I was even able to install all of my dual channel RAM - all glorious 128GB of it. I can render in Blender without crashes.

    I'm going to try to warranty the old CPU and use all the extra parts I bought while troubleshooting to build another one.
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