Me start reporting at Standup about my recent work. My Teamleader start talking the same time, saying he has seen the commits and I don't have to go into details anymore.
Thank you asshole for disrespecting me and my work.

  • 2
    It seems frustrating but a daily stand up should not take more than 15mins per team.

    You should limit your stand up to answer 3 questions:
    1 - What did you do yesterday
    2 - What are you going to do today
    3 - Are you blocked in something

    For a team of 8, each team member should limit themselves to 2 minutes.
    Also, technical detail is not in the scope of the meeting.

    The purpose is to report on the Sprint's status and to report blocks (need information, help, external blocks) so the scrum master can unblock them
  • 0
    @mmcorreia yep, that's not new to me and I'm usually the guy who sticks to this rule. But in this particular case the leader was sick for days and I wanted to give him a few words to the current status.
  • 1
    @SeriousM I understand and I am the first one to be there with you.... Everyday wright before I start my daily my SM says (jokingly) "keep it under 200 words"! -_-
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