Two years and a lot of money my company has been building a peice of software for a client, I spent the day yesterday talking and watching the client, our software doesn't even come close to matching their requirements. It barely matches the brief my boss wrote and *never showed me*.

The following isn't necessarily a lesson I've learnt, but rather solidified it very much: FOLLOW THE SODDING BRIEF AND ACTUALLY LISTEN TO THE CLIENTS.

Also don't hire low paid devs just because they're cheap because they WILL produce shocking, unmaintiable and unchangeable code.

I honestly think starting this again will be much faster.

  • 0
    Functional programming for you :P

    ... Shots fired...
  • 1
    @CogInTheWheel lol he definitely didn't code functionally, monolithic objects for the lose. Mixing business logic with the view layer all the time.
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