Electronjs "framework to developed cross platform desktop application but not able to install in UbuntušŸ˜¢"

  • 2
    Nonsense I develop electron on ubuntu right now. What are you trying to do, and what is the error. Maybe i can help you with your issue.
  • 0
    Please help me about this issue. I am finding solution from 1week.
  • 2
    well its telling you permission denied, have you tried creating or giving access if folder exist?
  • 1
  • 0
    @import-fun This is a permission error.

    - Delete the node_modules folder
    - Delete the .electron folder if it was created

    If you want to electron as sudo you have to explicit allow it `sudo npm install electron --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root`
  • 1
    Please check your twitter.
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