Good news everyone. As of 30th June 2018, PCI compliance demands a minimum of TLS v1.1. Meaning it's illegal for your website to support IE6-10

  • 5
    Is this legit? I'm too lazy to ddg it
  • 1
    Yep it is
  • 1
    You can check it out here
  • 1
    Future me is ecstatic 😁😁😁
  • 3
    Yep, also a side note to everyone here;

    If you have a node 0.12 project, it will no longer be able to verify some domains depending who the CA is.

    A good example is Entrust Inc, their CA bundle is missing from earlier versions of node. I think you can either manually include it or, now is a good excuse to upgrade to node 8 :D
  • 0
    @D--M definitely the latter ; I'm good though.
  • 0
    By support what exactly do you mean? Can I not build a website optimized to display correctly on IE? Given that I have to put a fair amount of effort into supporting it in this way.
  • 1
    My company is clamoring to have tls 1.2 on all services. Massive undertaking.
  • 4

    If you have a PCI compliant service you CANNOT support versions of IE below 10.

    On windows 7 and below, tls 1.2 is disabled by default unless you use IE11. Manually enabling TLS1.2 causes undefined behaviour since they haven't been updated in a long time.

    Basically, if you have a service and website that is PCI compliant (you deal with payments and credit card information) you will fail auditing and will be fined.

    All your effort in supporting those unsafe browsers are wasted since it will never be used.
  • 1
    Good. Ideally supporting the latest version of SSL/TLS is one of the most important things you do.
  • 1
    @CozyPlanes man this rant is for you 😅
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