
The amazon music app.
I don't know what's more annoying. Is it the general shittiness of it, the way they've made trying to find anything into some kind of fucked up magic mushroom experience?
Or is it the fact that they've intentionally made it shit because their marketing knobheads think that'll make people buy subscriptions?
Or is it the fact that the marketing knobheads are probably right?
It actually makes economic sense for them to turn their app into a steaming, heaving pile of shit, because millions of people will buy a subscription in direct response to the shitness of the app.
Stop making me swim through shit, you motherless son-of-a-bitches, and I might actually buy stuff.
But that doesn't matter, because enough people will buy stuff *because* you're making them swim through shit.

  • 2
    It wouldn't be called Amazon if it wasn't a jungle.
  • 0
    @electrineer And a very large volume of steadily flowing brown liquid.
  • 1
    Amazoon music seems to be the lesser evil, judging from threads in the Spotify community forum though. At least their engineers managed to pass the "code a playlist shuffle function" assignment.
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