Salt is awesome, no questions about that. YAML is giving me headaches, but it's my fault and eventually I'll get used to it. But this being my first encounter with jinja, WHO THE HELL THOUGHT THIS PIECE OF CRAP DESERVES TO LIVE! Instead of writing python inside {% %} you have to write kinda pseudo python and I just spend over hour trying to build list inside for. Yes, great idea, scoping fors, and lets make it hard to escape scoping, beacause it would be a shame if somebody COULD ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING USEFULL. I though several times of using different renderer, but I want to keep my code readable and mainrainable and in the end I found a workaround, but still, Jinja, YOU SUCK!

  • 2
    I had a look on their page and it doesn't look that much different from other template engines :o
    What are the core differences to, say, Smarty (PHP) or Mustache (NodeJs) (despite Syntax differences and language specific stuff)?
  • 1
    The jinja devs dont want that you are programming in an template, you should compute the data in your program and send the data to the engine and that is rendering your template.
  • 0
    So, we think you are doing it wrong so let's create those few weird things so you would bump your head from time to time and not think that you are managing. Great.
  • 0
    @Artemix If I would do webdevelopement, than yeah, sure, doesn't make sense most if the time to put logic into view. Ok, maybe part of the problem is that salt uses jinja for something it is not well designed to do. But still, making language similar yet really different in some small aspects you don't even think about is a stupid idea. And adding arbitrary restrictictions just because most of the time you shouldn't do it as well. On the other hand I'm mainly C guy, so I appreciate great power and great responsibility not a nanny.
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