
Didn't expect starting a react native project would be this cumbersome, well.. the environment setting was.
Anyway, I am ready for a new possibility B-)

*please don't judge me :p

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    React native is cool, I am on a project that using it.

    Is that kali or just other distro that use gnome?
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    @arch-chroot yeah, I too have been planning to make an app with that, but there was a problem in the first try of the env setting that screwed up my linux, but after I reinstalled the OS, everything was set up less than 2 hours 😁

    Yepp, it is kali
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    Nice, have fun!

    Expo made getting started a lot easier and includes most features an average app needs. It's setup is a lot faster for those who want a quick start :).
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    Kali linux? yeah it was answered before 👌😁
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    @Sirhennihau thanks! Can't wait to make an app out of it.

    yeah, I saw a tutorial about it, but it saw something like 'some react native component might not be supported by expo', n is releasing the app compiled by expo the same as the normal one?
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    @jakobev yeah it is.

    Just answering an aswered question :p
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    when life gives you choice. Go for vuejs
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    @IndoDev Most of the standard native libraries can be accessed through expo.

    The main advantage of expo is the fast getting started. You don't need to install xcode/jdk + android studio to get the app on your emulator/ phone running.

    When you want to release an apk to the AppStore, you'll need to install jdk/ xcode though.

    I'm still testing expo on my own currently, but it seems kinda fun to use. Another advantage is that if you use a real phone for developing you don't need to connect via usb to the PC, but you can connect via WiFi.
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    @jalebiBhai Can you develop native apps with Vue? Heard already several times that Vue shall be a nice JS framework.
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    Did you record your work? Cause i saw a record icon on taskbar
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    @Sirhennihau nativescript is also there
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    @Sirhennihau yeah it look much simpler n lighter in load for both phone n laptop. I tried to do that but I failed, will try again later, thx for the input though 😁
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    @harrizsb no I didnt, the icon by default is there, d u need a video tutorial? Bec I believe a written tutorial given in documentation is quite sufficient (though the process isnt always smooth)
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    @jalebiBhai really? I didnt know we can use Vue for making mobile app, thx for the info tho 😁
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    I prefer nativescript 😁
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    React native is just so cool, working on an rn project atm, and am willing to main it replacing native programming.... But it still got some downs.
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    @convict3d it is still in development. Though it support all the framework, sad part if, it primary is angular
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    @convict3d which framework are you using ?
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    @convict3d damn ... i thought you wrote ...nativescript 😂
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    @IndoDev not just hybrid app but PWA. And the really best part is, the boilerplate. You dont have to set it up by your own, and rub your asses for hours understanding how webpack works. vue-cli sets up everthing up for you. Though webpack knowledge is not required, you will need some really basic knowledge if you want to configure somethings differently, like change final Distribution repo

    I am using Quasar, which is an awesome material and ios theme framework built over vuejs. Provides lots of functionality and components already shipped out of box. Like material cards and calendar.

    Quasar PWA boiler plate is fantastic. You dont need to do anything to set up PWA
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    @JMente thx for info, I might consider that after finishing the currect project 😁
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    @convict3d yeah, I agree with u. Even though I just started the project, I actually already learned about it long back. N it's pretty cool! as u said.

    Well yeah, there r still some down sides, but to me it's just a small trade offs to more of coolness
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    @jalebiBhai react native comes with a boiler plate as well.

    Really? That's a really handy feature to be provided with a typical theme for phones. Will check it out later before the project goes too far. Thanks for the info, I am enlightened 😁
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    @IndoDev yes check it before project goes to faaaar. Its really painful otherwise.
    Vue want event take a day to grasp
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    @jalebiBhai yes! Surely will! 😁
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    @IndoDev no i thought you were recording for youtube. Anyway im from Indonesia too.
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    @harrizsb yo! Nice to meet ppl from a same country 🙌🙌
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    @IndoDev aight mate, so are you currently in Indonesia or something?
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    @harrizsb nope, in India currently. "Trying" to obtain degree from here lol
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    @IndoDev ah i thought you were working there, good luck with your degree man
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    Nope, just for study. Big thanks mate 😁@harrizsb
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    @IndoDev yep nativescript provide bidirectional data binding and you don't worry for add other library or plug-in 😁 and use fetch like axios 😉
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    @JMente sounds cool, will look for it 😁
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