
Signal looks like a good app but I have none to write top secret messages to

  • 4
    @nighter y1*j=5e+H<sRkjYL=wZa.dA/Io`j$`eiJda&#_^`
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    You still can care about your privacy even though you don't have anything to hide
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    But if no one is there to answer, why would he use it?
    I have the same problem.
    I would like to use signal or threema but no one I know is using it or is going to try it.
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    @SAM41 I just don't get why people would use Threema (from my own point of sight)
  • 4
    @404response Yas I'm a very active signaller :)
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    I managed to convince two "muggle" friends to Signal 💪 one of my proudest achievements this year
  • 2
    Why'd you write top secret messages by the way? You could just use it to chat ;)
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