
Had mine for a few days, didn't think to post it.
Mine is a bit deep... As many of you don't know, I'm a aspireing writer. "Cyanite" is a character of my creation. She's basically a witch who plays god (a least in one of my stories). She's consitered to be a God of Mischief; Helping or hindering those she meets on a whim, purely for her own entertainment. Because of this, she is both prased and feared.

This saying essentially means that "A bad person can also do good, while still being bad." (Rather; you can't judge a person, and people are unprediactable.)

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    She's a character I created.

    I just said it that way. It's not wordplay.
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    If you'll give me an hour, I can add her character bio to my textual-content repo for you to read.
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    A witch? What's your familiar
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    A black fox. But she's just called a witch. In this world she's really a mage, just how one uses magic determines what they're called. Those whom use a lot of dark magic, are called either a sorcerer/witch (usually the term "witch" is self-proclaimed while dark mages are usually called sorcerers/sorceresses by others)
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    I like it. But the comma before the too is bothering me D:
    I don't think it should be there. But if I'm mistaken, my apologies.
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    I'm pretty sure it is :o I can remove it though.
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    Nonono. Don't remove it. You're the writer. As a fellow writer, I understand that writers use certain words, phrases, and punctuation marks for a reason.

    If you are talking about "too," meaning "as well," then it shouldn't be there. I've been doing this for 7-8 years, so I'm familiar with all the punctuation mistakes :)
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    @Cyanite I think the comma shouldn't be there too. I haven't checked out the cyanite project yet but if it's not what I think it is, where can I read your stories? Sounds really interesting.

    Also, if you haven't already by chance, check out this mobile game called Magium. It's a text based RPG. Something tells me you might like it. It's available on the Playstore
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    I'd likely play it for a day and then delete it. And I'd have to delete an existing app to install it.
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    Yes I meant "as well".
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    Also, I haven't been writing long..

    I've written a bunch of short stories over my life (mostly suicide stories when I would feel depressed) but few if any still exist. I never called myself a writer until recently, when I decided to actually sit down and start writing seriously.
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    Even if you write just a sentence a day, you can still call yourself a writer. Don't doubt yourself.

    Since you haven't been a long time writer, mistakes are common, but as you proceed, you'll notice: you're descriptions will be flowery, your sentence structure will improve, you'll become a pro at commas, your charavters will have unique voices, you'll avoid head hopping and using filter words, and you're writing will become more vivid!

    Looks like I'm starting to ramble again, so I should stop haha. Sorry, I get too excited when I talk about writing :)
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    Yeah, well... According to a few accounts, I write very "professionaly". However, I don't think that's the case. I try my best, though.
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    Writing professionally means having a writing contract. I believe they mean you write well. :)
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    Yeah, I knew that. o-o
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    "Aspireing writer" the irony goes layers down
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    @Cyanite you spelled, "aspiring" wrong
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    Blame my auto-correct ING (<-- perfect example) Google Keyboard
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    I noticed lots of spelling mistakes, but kept quiet about them to avoid embarrassment. So much for that haha. :)
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    Just realized I typed this on my PC. Oh well. Guess I didn't run it through Grammarly.
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    Grammerly has a chrome and Firefox extension.

    You dont have to run it through grammerly. Social media, such as devRant, shouldn't be a place of formality. Who cares about grammar and spelling online, right?
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    I use devRantron. I do have Grammarly for Chrome and Desktop.
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