Rant! When you live in a less technically advanced country, and everyone cheaps out on their software and hires the company that will do it for the least money and because of that it never works decently you can't reserve movie tickets on the cinema's site and get a SQL constraint error directly on screen, if you can't afford custom software buy a license for something that works out of the box ffs

(I'm goin' to see Star wars ofc.)

  • 0
    Ever considered a career in infosec?
    If you're willing to be a bit "flexible" morally you could make a lot of money.
  • 0
    @Fiftyseven kinda I guess, though infosec hasn't come to my city yet, everybody trusts any kid that's written a hello world app to "know computers", hell they trusted me when I knew jack shit and was still in high school
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