
Do you think I can tell my coworker to stop deploying shit so early in the morning? It makes me look lazy

  • 3
    To make sure he understands, use a little gentle persuasion. Show him the large hunting knife you keep in your desk drawer. Problem solved!
  • 0
    How does it make you look bad?
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus it makes it looks like working before 10AM is the norm.
  • 3
    @neostream working before 10 AM IS the norm. And you ARE lazy.
  • 0
    The solution to the world problems:
  • 0
    Early morning people are a godsend

    My team have struggled to deploy stuff this week cause everyone works roughly the same hours and we end up having a morning meeting saying ”Let’s deploy 9:30” but then one person gets caught in an adhoc meeting with another dev and then there’s another meeting at 10:00 so we don’t wanna deploy minutes before - and then it’s lunch and woops - no deploy today
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