
my boss sent us an email saying that we have to send him a summary of our work everyday and how much time we invested on the job because sometimes we work at home and he won't know if we really worked.

me: *sleeps for 4 hrs*
me: *configures apache in amazon linux real quick*
me: i worked for 4 hours blah blah and i fixed the apache configurations blah and i coded in js and php for the datatables thing blah blah *sends email*
boss: nice work! have a great weekend.

now thats how you do it when u procrastinate a lot!

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    @IllSlapU ive been researching on my phone lol so i got the idea, i just need to write the code and test it tomorrow
    also thats how i was able to finish the apache configuration fast af
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    @nickj what if your boss is a regular lurker here 🤔
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    @CurseMeSlowly naaah i dont think he even has time to procrastinate
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    @nickj what if your boss knows about Apache configs too and just considered you as a noob for taking 4 hrs to fix.
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    I didn't realise it was possible to spend 4 hrs in a config haha
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    I'd just write a generator, that collects all done jira/trello/asana/whatever you use tickets of that day and then generates some bullshit around them. Sent by cron job.
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    In our company, we have to file every minute of our work day, as those hours get invoiced to our clients.
    Actually, not that bad.
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    @github lmao thats why they let me do it bc theyve been trying to do it for days and they cant do it
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    @nickj well, in that case, you would have slept for 10 hours. 😂😂
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