What do people think of powershell?

  • 4
    meh. I just use git bash
  • 1
    who needs it?
  • 6
    Something that tries to fill the void of linux shell but fails miserably
  • 3
    hell no, on windows i only use the Win10 Subsystem for Linux, which lets you use the real deal: Bash.
    Install the Linux Subsystem on Windows 10 - MSDN - Microsoft

    But yeah powershell has it's usecases and it's definitely better than the win commandline promt. Microsoft even released a refresh of powershell which let you use more colors.
  • 0

    But kinda overcomplicate a lot of things and lack some neat wrappers & helpers. Imo.
  • 5
    i use it as school to fuck with stuff
  • 0
    @lotd but it makes otber things a lot easier. A friend of mine recently installed powershell on ubuntu because of that.
  • 6
    Makes my job more interesting and saves lots of time. Can even do basic GUIs with winforms or WPF. Especially great for windows admin and maintenance.
  • 2
    I use it a lot myself for AD, exchange and Skype for business
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    @jAsE It's pretty useful. Have you ever used it?
  • 1
    @jAsE It's not really replacing it. At least not in Win10.
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    I find it confusing where you run ipconfig in CMD and it works, you run it in powershell and it works. Thing is though, Microsoft have created a get- command for powershell to replace ipconfig!
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  • 1
    I don't like it. It's almost disgusting to type "ls"and get the "dir"output :p
    It might be better than cmd, but it's way behind bash and zsh.
  • 0
    The most amazing thing in the entire fucking universe!!!
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