From your experience, what's the most inefficient (IT-wise) industry you encountered?

I'd vote for IT in hospitals (at least here in Germany), it is really a PAIN to watch. My wife and I needed to give our data to three different departments when signing in, because nothing is shared across the stations. And when they did a (fully digital) ultrasound of our little baby, they had to freaking PRINT the images and re-enter the results on a PC in another room, because there is no connection. What the heck?!

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    Can't they afford a pen drive?
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    At least it is more difficult to get virusses, hacked or whatever when there is no connection to other PCs
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    This might not even be an issue of bad IT, but stupid regulations.
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    @Codex404 *cough* NHS *cough*
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    German Finanzamt (Tax Office).

    I moved, had a question, and was lost voided in the gap between tax office work..sorry, tax office attendant printed out my data, sent it via post delivery to the new tax office, where the attendants queued it for manual input. 3 month.

    BTW the best 2-factorish authentication I witnessed was as I ordered a new Personalausweis (ID card, in Germany you are named employee btw wtf) .

    As my new I'd card was ready for retrieval, I got asked if I got the mail with pin and info.

    - "maybe, I really have no interest of using any of that death born services anyway.."
    - "I cannot hand out the new Id card unless you have the pin!"
    - "ok I just remember... that I got the! pin"
    - "here is your new Id card! Thxbye"

    I now just realized that I hit the "any-key". (Pun intended.)
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