
The requestor have responsibility for the conditions under which their request will be fulfilled. There is no "do your magic". The magic is always "ours" to some extent.

Details, directions, focus, clear goal, you name it, there is a shit ton of ways the requestor participates in the success.

  • 2
    100% disagree.

    While it's frustrating as fuck, end users don't know what the fuck they're talking about. If we need them to tell us exactly what to do, it'll be shit.

    It's our job as engineers to take that heaping pile of nonsense and turn it into a sensible spec.
  • 1
    You're the expert. If you let anyone else get in between you and the market it's going to be worse, not better.
  • 0
    @lungdart I didn't mean the customer, was mostly ranting about the company. Anyway I get your point and agree 💯
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