One unfortunate thing I have realized about being a human is that socialization is necessary in order to excel in the long term

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    This is probably why I am doing so poorly.
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    @jestdotty and by voicing that opinion, you yourself followed the urge to socialise with us. even if just a tiny little bit.
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    You can engineer some careful application of socialization. You already see it as a problem, then approach it as a logical problem.

    Some axioms to use as leverage:
    1) People love to talk about subjects they are passionate about.
    1.1) Often the subjects are themselves, but there are plenty of exceptions.
    2) People talk for longer and get more involved when their socialization partners give short comments or hints during their talk demonstrating attention and desire to hear more.
    2.1) If you react very little to what people say, they feel unmotivated and may even get angry.
    3) People hate to be contradicted or dismissed on subjects they are passionate about.
    3.1) Carefully adjust your answers and comments to avoid or blunt direct logical confrontations.
    4) There are LOTS of people, some you want in your life, but most will just move on. Don't worry too much.

    You can practice socialization in low-stakes settings and then apply your honed tactics when it better suits your objectives.
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    I understand what you mean. Socializing is critical to success because it helps you make connections, learn from others, and improve your people skills. It can be hard, but it's worth it.
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    That's why psychopaths thrive.

    When you use socializing as merely a tool, because all those other people are just means to an end for you, it's easy to thrive.
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    @JsonBoa I mean you can approach it strategically, but there is a lot of value in having legitimate connections and keeping up with them consistently
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    @Root you and me both chief
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