
When someone touches my screen

  • 8
    Especially annoying if it's a touch screen.
  • 1
    @forkbomber what's the point in having touch screen then
  • 2
    @pretz someone pointing is one thing, you don't want it to actually do something. (especially not with those kind of people)
  • 0
    @forkbomber oooh yes yes
  • 6
    especially with a pen with the ballpoint touching the screen.
  • 4
    someone with horrible eyesight once knocked over my monitor by "touching" the screen to point.
  • 1
    ...and with a pen or a pencil, so there will be a mark on the screen. So annoying!
  • 2
    I do this all the time when looking at a colleagues screen, not intentionally mind. Sometimes when I notice a line of problem code I've jabbed the screen so hard that it wobbled on its stand.
  • 0
    oh tell me about it. plus my office is too cheap to buy screen cleaner so you end up with a smudge fest....
  • 0
    I hate this too! Having said that, I'm just as guilty of doing it. I try to be aware of it but I just keep doing it.
    I'm a terrible person.
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