
Ux for developers is slightly different than it is for the general crowd. Most won't give two fucks about quirks, but developers? Developers will freak the fuck out on you for any


I know I do, I know I am

  • 9
    I'd have said the reverse. The breed that is willing to fuck around with Arch is a breed that don't care about UX as long as it's useful.
  • 2
    That's maybe UX for UI developers. Regular developers are the reverse.
  • 8
    it's just because developer know what UX is. The public cares without knowing it. For them a bad ux is just "It's too hard for me".
  • 2
    you can present any idiotic backwards logic to a developer, but then you'll need to stick to that logic no matter how odd the user input is.
  • 1
    @lorentz kafka in a nutshell
  • 1
    @kobenz I thought you were talking about the novelist. Actually, do you think the streaming data processor is called Kafka because maintaining it feels like an interactive, infinite version of The Trial?
  • 0
    @lorentz lol, hard no, author-kafka's a delightful read.

    If it's the reality show, well... just thinking about it right now made me realize I might lack enough empathy for even conjuring an answer 😐

    It definitely feels like the outlast trials one though
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