
God, NIX users are wayy more obnoxious than Arch users ever were.

This is getting ridicolous with the preachiness about how bad linux is.
I do understand the value of nix, but it feels like these people are kids in their 20s that fundamentally misunderstand how the traditional software distribution model works.

  • 0
    Is Unix on the rise or what does NIX mean? Is this FreeBSD or something?
  • 3
    @Demolishun I'm guessing he's referring to nixpkgs / NixOS.

    Just a guess.
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    @netikras I don't know. I searched all over and didn't see a definite NIX hit. Just a lot of random things.
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    @Demolishun well `nix` is the main executable of the nix ecosystem. And I agree, it's a very powerful toolset. I'm also falling in love with it. And if not for the Nix language, I'd be using it on every freaking project. People juggling multiple projects on the same hardware would immediately recognize its power.

    Maybe it's folks like me the OP is talking about...
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    @netikras yeah, I think you might be right. Sounds like Nix is the new Arch or something.
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    @Demolishun yupp.

    Interestingly, the core of nix is nixpkgs. And the NixOS is built using nixpkgs :) A package manager :)

    I'm not interested in the OS. But using nix (as a package manager) in CI pipelines and development projects (along with direnv) IMO is a very good idea.

    Imagine you're working with ~10 projects of various stacks at a time and you don't have to install any of the tools required for those projects' development/maintenance. You just `cd` into the project's directory and the tools of the right versions (java, npm, yarn, gradle, awscli, terraform, kubectl, etc.) automatically become available in your $PATH, NOT installed in your OS.
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    @netikras I know we can't escape package managers. But every time I see a reference to a new one or an existing one I think: "supply chain attack vector". Then I start wondering how they prevent someone putting a shitty package in the network.
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    Oops i didnt specify, i was talking specifically about NixOS
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    I remember I was looking at this when containerising a large rails monolith, I played with it for a couple days but turned out to be a huge sink of time - nothing worked as expected, all sorts of stupid ass errors popping up all over the place. Now wondering if I should give it another inch of my cock or just fuck it.
  • 1
    I'm using arch btw.

    (I'm not)
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