
So, as we know, Star Wars will be released this weekend.

I would ask all ranters not to post spoilers here.
Me, and I believe other ranters, will not see this weekend.

Thank you!

  • 0
    Nah don't need to worry unless it is Star Wars : Quantum 😝
  • 0
    Sure buddy, I will happily keep my mouth Darth Vader is Luke's father!!! Hahahahaha now you know!
    I just want to see the world burn!
  • 2
    Can i tell you it is awesome? I loved it. I hope you will enjoy as much as i did.
    No spoilers ofcorse
  • 0
    I hope you enjoy it as much as @ziga did, because personally I hated it.
  • 0
  • 0
    @ziga dull humor, unnecessary scenes or even whole plot (if most of it didn't happen at all it would change nothing), wasted characters potential, strange events that were either frustraiting or simply stupid (it's hard to not spoil), the "bad guys" are a joke, lack of actually thrilling moments or at least a good fight, obvious and typical movie clishes, reusing all the same things from the old trilogy. As a half-comedy-spin-off - all right, as an VIII part of Star Wars - not like this.
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