
Look at the picture. I know what you're thinking...

Believe me.
* I executed save all in VisualStudio
* reset all changes in git
* cleaned working directory with git
* restarted VisualStudio
* double checked if it's the right file
* double checked if there are new changes in git

Fuck this. VisualStudio, you suck.
Where are you taking these informations from if not from the project file!?

  • 2
    I don't see what's wrong. It's compiling for x64 machines in debug mode, as the project config describes.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm It's the output path. Visual Studio says /bin/Debug.
    Project file says /bin/x64/Debug.
  • 1
    @rawhead Because 64-bit programs will not execute on 32-bit machines, so the binaries are placed in separate folders.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm yes, I get that.
    The problem is, that both sides show the same configuration. 64bit and Debug. But the output path in the project file is ignored by Visual Studio.
    It should be /bin/x64/Debug but it shows /bin/Debug.

    After restarting Windows (not VS) it shows the correct path again.
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