"The website must be fully compatible with Internet Explorer"
Yeah well that's too fucking bad

  • 5
    Totally make sense.
  • 13
    Actual users!! You mean government offices?
  • 5
    @Aitkotw Agree, but only if they can access the service from their work computer 🤣
  • 5
    I guess w3c basically want to keep IE as a testing browser. We need it.
    Because if it works on IE it can work anywhere.

    So IE is not browser for users but for testers.
    #webdeveloper #troublesbyie
  • 3
    I want to bang my head in the desk everytime I open its dev tools
  • 6
    Its time to start an revolution. dont let IE users on your website. be with me! together we can beat those bastards!
  • 0
    True that
  • 3
    @vzhivkov I actually got used to it..
    Have to use/develop for IE, we still use activex.. o.O
  • 2
    Or people who work at companies, which do not allow other browsers than IE.
  • 3
    We only test on Firefox/chrome 😂😂

    Its all fucked up on IE and safari and I don't give a fuck because my code runs on the server 😇
  • 0
    everyone uses ie9
  • 1
    You forgot the % that use it to download chrome.

    Imagine the day chrome stops supporting IE.. That will be a dark day indeed..
  • 0
    My company spends so much wasted time trying to optimize its application to run smoothly in IE. What was the last application to run smoothly in IE?
  • 1
    @forceQuit My company even managed to create internal applications which only run in IE. I don't even know how they did that. ^^
  • 0
    I didn't said all. Don't be a jerk.
  • 0
    Another kind of user , they use ie only for download chrome /Mozilla .
  • 0
    Sadly it's not entirely true. From my experience, most IE users are people working in government offices.
  • 0
    I was randomly looking at the code for a website and the ie part was a prompt to the user. Something like "seriously? Internet explorer?" 🤣🤣
  • 1
    I remember a tweet from the goverment telling people to use IE6 in one of their websites in order to make it work. IIRC this was a year ago...
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