When you manage to crash even your debugger.. -.-

  • 8
    not just saying its windows, but

    its windows
  • 10
    I don't even want to imagine what happens to people who code debuggers...

    They might crash the debugger which is debugging the debugger that is debugging a program in order to see if the debugger correctly debugs a program using a debugger.

    Ummm... Okay? O.o 😂
  • 4
    @Kamaropoulos debugging recursion hell ftw
  • 3
    @sladuled deguggerception 😂
  • 3
    Crashing your debugger? That's some mad skills
  • 3
    apt purge windows 😂😂

    @Nanos please don't type Google into Google!! We need the internet!!!
  • 0
    @Nanos you know... For... Work... 😎
  • 4
    Legend has it that windows is still checking for a solution to your problem..
  • 1
    @bitsnpieces nah, it crashed with BSOD 3 times since 😋😉
  • 5
    @sladuled BSODs ftw.. I would keep a spare pc running windows just to know how that feels once in a while.. 😅
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