
Playing pokemon. I'm extremely into the series and played nearly every gen since the first ones. Even bought the cheap 2ds just to play these 3ds versions even tho i got acutally no time during exams and sometimes even played the different editions of the same gen just because i can.😅

And I have the habit to think about "how is it done?" With everything that is displayed on a screen or just blinks. And with 800 pokemon and their stats and subforms and IVs and all that nerdshit (back then compressed in such a small rom and running on pretty low end devices) i began to think about data structures, organization of them and such, especially when there are many big, wide datasets.😪

  • 1
    Major pokemon fan here as well man! Have you tried the Pokemon Violet hack? Currently replaying it. Shit is wonderful.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 never played the hacks tbh. Are they really that good?
  • 1
    Pokémon was the reason I started to program because as a litte kid I dreamed of making my own Pokémon game 😁
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