
Now I have a real, not controversial question. Many times using a specific technology I get stack and despite years of experience (in other similar technologies) it seems I'm not able to go on. Maybe a colleague can help me, maybe they can't. Many "experts" say that they haven't had any problems in that area, but you see a lot of people that either: 1) keep changing their technology stack because they keep bumping into problmes 2) stop learning because novelities are such difficult to integrate 3) resort to already integrated tools that are less customizable (and less powerful) (microsoft benefits from these people). I want to say openly that I often bump into problems expecially in open source stacks. I often need help and I struggle to find it.

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    So what's the question?
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    @donkulator The question is: what do you do in those cases.
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    a lot of people are emotionally invested in their stack, library, whatever, and really don't want to hear about its shortcomings, but at the end of the day, they're just tools. if the tool you chose isn't serving your needs, time to find a different tool
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    @spoiledgoods if it was so easy then being a developer would be a joy all the time. Instead there are moments in which it becomes a nightmare. You say that it's as esasy as changing the tools. Well there are a lot of reasons for not doing so. The more obvious is that you are not in control of all the technology stack. The second is that this job is all build around knowledge. When you invest in knowing something, switching to something else requires to put in the same amout of effort, time etc. And if more people are involved you have to multiply for the number of people. There are a lot of products that are not particularly good but they have a huge investment on them. Think of office for example. When the tool you invested into lets you down is quite painful.
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