
Does anyone know if android 8.0.0 had a Bluetooth bug at all?
My pebble would just not stay connected to my phone (they are both brand new at that point) and when they did randomly connect it was for literally a second.

Now with 8.1 it hasn't disconnected once... I'm so confused!

  • 2
    Bring back Pebble! 😪
  • 1
    @coolq we need it!
    Not a fan of Android wear, Fitbit can go for in hell and Apple watch is... Well... Yeah

    Much rather have a basic Smart watch that can last for 7-10 days on a single charge and do what it's suppose to
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    Absolutely agreed!
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    @coolq really wish pebble made their various os editions open source, a platform is only dead when the community dies!
    And when you take away the ability to have a dedicated community, it's forced death
  • 0
    Hmm, that is insightful.

    Didn't Fitbit acquire Pebble? They might want Pebble to die :C
  • 1
    @coolq yeah they did sadly, that's why I'm against Fitbit (and they are way too expensive for what they are, especially in good old Oz)

    It's why I think android devices will live on forever, if you can still keep the galaxy nexus up to date with the latest version of Android, the platform is far from dead.
  • 1
    I've got two original pebbles 😛

    Got them before Fitbit got Pebble
  • 1
    @coolq I had the pebble Steel (still my favourite watch) but the buttons broke so I had to buy a pebble 2, I'm waiting for my gameband Kickstarter to get shipped and hopefully that will replace my pebble easily enough
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    @coolq as long as that fucking CEO doesnt come back. Denying free support for windows devices because you personally dont use it is a shitty reason. Especially because from all the people I know; everyone who wanted a smartwatch was a windows user. (about 40 people). Online people where constant requesting support for windows devices.

    I would understand the reason being cost related (although MS offered it for free), or any other reason to be fair. But just because you personally dont like something? From business perspective denying free, no strings attached service as first and only devive supporting a certain system does not make sense.
  • 0
    Gameband? Tell me more!

    Holy crap that's bad. When did they leave?
  • 0
    @coolq they? leave?

    MS just offered a free no strings attached service for windows for 5 years. But the CEO of pebble declined, nobody left/joined
  • 0
    So wait, the CEO of Pebble declined MS's offer for free windows devices support? Because the CEO didn't like MS devices?
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    @coolq yes, he said in a tweet "Im a linux user so Im not gonna support MS." (different wordings but same messafe)

    I would have paid twice the price for a pebble watch if it supported windows.
  • 1
    Wow that's toxic. As you said, they don't know how to seperate buissness and personal stuff
  • 2
    @coolq gameband is a smartwatch that runs full blown android, not Android wear Fu on Android 7.1.1 for phones (hopefully Oreo will come along!), It's had its delays from Kickstarter for good and bad but I'm really excited for it!
    Look it up on Kickstarter
  • 0
    Woooowwwww, I've just been researching for that exact kind of thing!
  • 1
    @coolq I got on the Dev list and have been playing around with the OS they are using and it's really promising!
    They said they are looking to sell them on there own afternthe Kickstarter is shipped and done so I'd recommend keeping an eye out
  • 0
    @lxmcf will do. What do you think the prices will be then?
  • 1
    @coolq not sure, I'll have a quick look at what we paid
  • 0
    Ok, thank you!
  • 1
    @coolq ok so roughly it will be $260 AUD for the base models or I'm estimating the metal housed and leather one for around 300-320 ish.

    For what they are I'd say it's worth it, here's the link to the page if you wanted more info about it: Gameband: https://kickstarter.com/projects/...
  • 0
    Hey man, just a word of precaution, I just remembered this video:

    Try to watch the full thing.
  • 2
    I have pebble 2, on my oneplus 5t it does the same as yours. On my htc 10 it works. Both have android 7 though.
  • 1
    @coolq Yeah I've seen that but he doesn't seem to understand what it actually is.

    He just looks at it as a watch with sd card support and he doesn't take into account the pixel furnace application, the use case and software behind everything
  • 0
    Can you explain to me what pixelfurnace is?
  • 1
    @coolq it's there version of a game store that is installed on the SD card and is where you can install your desktop games and saves ,it also manages your save games and backs them up online.

    Also I'm pretty sure it is the watches app store, I think
  • 0
    Isn't that basically a USB stick?
  • 1
    @coolq Essentially but it's already on you, just a bit more convenient imo.

    And he doesn't address the ease of development it has being a standard android OS, so almost all game engines cant support android wear as it is missing a lot of the back end needed for them to run, this being standard android means all game engines can publish running apps on it.

    And also using that logic that "Its just a usb stick", why do we have clocks, why do we have watches, why do we have cars
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    Why not just get this? Sure it doesn't have a microSD slot, but it has 8gb built in, twice the ram, faster processor, Bluetooth, wifi, stylish design, 3g, GPS..etc.

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    @coolq I'm always curious to see how things like gameband kick out (plus I really like the edition I purchased)

    I like to live on the edge ;-)
  • 0

    Have your seen their prototype? It's literally just another smartwatch.

    But when or if it arrives, let me know how it goes. I predict a rant in the future 😉
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    @coolq may be another Smart watch but hey, at least I didn't drop $1000 for an Apple watch, as long as I can develop for it and it functions as a watch, I'll be happy! :-P
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    Come on, pick up a Finow Q1($59, full Android), or something else as a backup. On their last campaign it took them a couple of years to get the "product" out.
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    @lxmfc if it's a pixel / pixel XL and you're running 8.10 you might have a few Bluetooth issues
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    @Mushyyy yeah it's the pixel 2 XL, and come to think of it my partner has a 6P and she had no issues on 8.0, maybe it's just a pixel thing
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    @lxmcf I can confirm it's a pixel thing doesn't affect everyone should be fixed soon :).
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    @Mushyyy ah fantastic!
    Thanks mate :-D
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