
Why can’t i permanently turn off Bluetooth on an iPad? I swipe down, tap ‘Bluetooth’ and instead of turning it off permanently like any sane design decision (as in, how Android does it) it decides to only turn it off for a day? Why??? Who wants that??

  • 4
    To be fair, a lot of people will forget they turned it off and fail to understand what that means. This way their headphones will magically start working again the following day.
  • 6
    @donkulator this way I can’t connect my headphone to my laptop because they automatically connect to the f**king iPad when I turn them on. Are Apple people so thick they need handholding to turn their Bluetooth on?
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    @RichSouth I've given up on that and have separate headphones for phone and laptop.

    The laptop one claims to be able to pair with two devices and switch automatically, but I'm afraid to try it in case it refuses to pair with anything ever again.
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    @donkulator > "a lot of people will forget they turned it off and fail to understand what that means"


    As the technical support specialist for my family, especially the elderly ones with bluetooth hearing aids. I can't count how many times they've turned off bluetooth (on Android) and have no idea why they can no longer receive calls, listen to music, etc.
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    @RichSouth simple: you need to buy a dedicated pair (preferably 3 pairs) of Apple headphones for each of your device.
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    My headphones actually connect to two devices (phone and laptop) so it's working 90% of the time. But there's a little quirk where when I receive a notification on my phone it will stop whatever is playing on my laptop. But this could just be a bad configuration on my part :D
  • 4
    @Hazarth no, that's just how it works. It can be quite annoying, but also useful in case you're into answering phone calls.
  • 1
    You can turn it off permanently in the settings app (not that swipe down thing).
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    Skill issue.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm I didn’t expect to need to go into settings and turn it off when it looks like I can turn it off from the swipe-down menu. Should have thought I could go in there and do it but I guess I just don’t “Think Different”
  • 1
    @electrineer yeah, it makes sense in case of calls, I get that, just not sure why every random notirication that makes a sound has to do it.

    I might look into it and turn it off because I already use KDE Connect and that stops whatever is playing on my PC when I get a call already :D
  • 3
    Apple sheeps need their overlord to hold their hands, you see.

    Turning off wifi also works only until midnight. It will magically turns on again as day changes. What great idea by the developer. Ha ha ha.

    PS: what a waste of battery power
  • 0
    @Hazarth how would the headphones distinguish notification sounds from media sounds
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    @electrineer it comes with an App, I thought that's governing the behaviour. No?
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    @Hazarth nope, they're just headphones. Why would they need an app to operate?
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