Venting some anger, this is a long one

So last Friday we had a 'Christmas' party at work... Only it wasn't a Christmas party... Because that would be racist against people who don't celebrate Christmas (of whom they are none at work), also no Christmas songs, because of the same reason and because it looked unprofessional... They also removed karaoke... (an Christmas tradition at the office) Because again, it was unprofessional

But we all got a Christmas card... Strange because we weren't allowed to celebrate it 😑 and the message in that card was one of the most standard messages I've ever seen, something like

Hello $name, we enjoyed working with you in 2017, let's make 2018 even better, merry Christmas


W T F !

also our sales guy did a speech, the following is an actual quote
'software is an amazing product'
Yeah mate, software is the product... Totally not the stuff we create with it

Sorry if people get/are offended in anyway, but if you decide that having a Christmases party at work is racist in any way or form, then don't have a party at all... Not some lame half Christmas party...

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    @NoMad sure, or none at all... I'm fine with both. I just can't stand that they are trying to celebrate Christmas, while not calling it that, and removing almost everything that has to do with Christmas

    Do it right or not at all
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    That’s crap. Id walk in there with the hat the ugliest sweater everyday in December and everyday til Jan 1, add some decor to my desk and even change my wallpapers.... maybe a couple of glitter bombs 😅
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    @Alice I’d like to think myself as an over-participator 😂
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    Here the standard is to call it an end of year party but I am quite offended that I am expected to follow the Gregorian calendar. It is not the end of the year on my home planet.
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    ... well. Behaving like a spoiled brat makes you look even more unprofessional.
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    yeah the whole "Christmas isn't the celebration/time of celebration of my people" thing in companies (and schools, and any public setting really) pisses me off. If your people don't celebrate this American tradition of a holiday, then simply don't celebrate it - don't come to the office party, or whatever party it is, wherever it is. And to the companies who think it's helpful to trample on celebrations because of people who MIGHT (keyword) get offended, take a horse cock in the ass please - you really aren't doing anything but killing your employees's spirits, and hurting the company by lowering morale. let the damn people celebrate

    Also: you have to be some favorite of satan's to mindlessly ban food and karaoke at any time at all
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    Putting aside that it was a shitty and a stupid move from the organizers, this has nothing to do with racism. The correct term is "religion intolerence".

    I personaly really hate SJWs that get offended over everything. Is it really that difficult to get along with the chosen religion-based tradition?
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    I'm not even a christian and i played Santa during the last party, you are surrounded by assholes who will use any opportunity even happy events to bring up racial and beliefs differences.
    Sorry man. Merry Christmas
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    @maces thank you, you too

    I wish everyone a happy Christmas 😇💜
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    @incognito merry Christmas to you too 🙃
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    Christmachrist you mean.
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    I hate these PC cunts who confuse religion with race.
    Also tradition != religion.

    Also, truly, fuck those people who say that they get "offended" by a holiday or a national anthem or a country's flag. They are the ones offending people.
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